Giant Swallowtail

Giant swallowtails can be very common in the southern United States from California east to Florida where they feed on new growth of citrus trees. It's really important to remember that if you find a citrus tree, always try to find ligher-colored leaves that leafed out recently. These are the leaves female giant swallowtails prefer to lay their eggs.

In other words, don't be intimidated at a large citrus tree when looking for giant swallowtail eggs and caterpillars. Simply focus on new growth; whether found on the tips of branchs or suckers coming out of the trunk.

Giant swallowtails can also be common in the midwestern states of Oklahoma, Kansas, Missouri, Illinois, etc, where larvae feed on prickly ash.

Click on any image to start slide show. Most photos in gallery come from William Zittrich whose website is .